Regin 250g Gas & Water Compound REGM20

Regin 250g Gas & Water Compound REGM20 Image 1
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Product features:

  • Non toxic.
  • WRAS approved.
  • Works up to 260 celsius.

REGM20 - Gas & Water Jointing Compound Soft Setting. Non-toxic. 250g tub. Soft setting non-petroleum based thread sealant for use with potable water and mains gas. WRAS Approved for use on cold potable water systems. Suitable for Registered Gas Installations. Suitable for use on gas installation pipe-work as a class A, Arp and class B thread sealant as defined by BS751-2:1997. Easily applied and brushable. Working temperature -45 to +260 celsius. Maximum working pressure: 10,000 psi (liquids) 2,000 psi (gases). Can be used on steel, aluminium, brass, copper, polythene, reinforced fibreglass and PVC. Not suitable for use with ABS. Not suitable for transportation systems containing oxygen, powerful oxidants, concentrated acids or alkalis.

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